The Importance of a Rock Solid Waiver

Looks like you don’t have a waiver, so what should you do now?

No matter how successful your business is, nothing is more important than ensuring you are mitigating your risk and minimizing your liability exposure.

While it may be tempting to search for a standardized waiver template online and simply copy the wording it provides, this can ultimately defeat the purpose of why you’re having customers and guests sign a waiver in the first place: to protect you and your business.

Liability waiver templates are plentiful online and may help you think about some important issues but they do not take the place of a lawyer who understands your unique business needs and who is trained in identifying potential risks in your field of operation. Only a lawyer can customize a contract such as a liability waiver to truly fit your business and legal needs.

Keep in mind, if you ever found yourself in a court of law defending your business from action brought on by a customer or guest, the fact that your waiver was signed electronically will likely not be the discussion at hand. It will instead be the content of your waiver or other legal document that you had them sign. A waiver template that you search for and find online will likely have many gaps that won’t address your specific needs, including:

  • It may not take into consideration the laws of your state, county, or city
  • Will likely have loopholes or gaps in coverage
  • It will likely leave you vulnerable in the event of a lawsuit

Why Businesses Trust WaiverSign

Stumpy's customers signing digital waivers
a Pair of black quotation marks

Working with WaiverSign has been a great experience. The staff is very responsive, pulls off last minute set ups and solves problems quickly. Having it on our website allows large groups to complete the waiver prior to arriving, thus speeding their entry into our locations.

Stuart Josberger, Managing Partner

Stumpy's Hatchet House