WaiverSign Articles

lawyers sitting at a desk with a gavel
By Nikki DeSantis March 27, 2025
Using online waivers with WaiverSign? Learn what waivers actually protect, what they don't, and how to keep your business legally prepared.
baby tree growing out of grass with black overlay and white text
By Nikki DeSantis March 12, 2025
Switching to digital waivers helps reduce paper waste, lower carbon emissions, and support sustainability while making business operations more efficient.
black blog thumbnail with white text about turning waivers into a marketing powerhouse
By Nikki DeSantis February 4, 2025
Turn your digital waivers into a powerful marketing tool with WaiverSign! Learn how to collect customer data, automate follow-ups, and boost engagement—all while streamlining your waiver process.
Sm Waiversign Code of Conduct
By BRANDON LAKE December 28, 2022
What is a code of conduct? A CoC is a set of rules outlining the acceptable behavior of a person or group of people, be it general rules or specific contexts.
Tanned Blonde Model
By BRANDON LAKE December 19, 2022
What is a model release form? This is a document that indicates a model giving another party the right to use their name and likeness for commercial purposes.
Woman Doing Crunches
By BRANDON LAKE May 13, 2021
Personal trainers adopt digital liability waivers through WaiverSign during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to protect their businesses & make signing easy
Exculpatory Clauses and Your Business
By ANTHONY J. ELLROD February 17, 2021
Exculpatory clauses/exculpatory agreements can be effective in commercial agreements like lease agreements, membership agreements, or participation agreements.
Why it 's dangerous to use a waiver template on an orange background.
By STEPHEN PORRITT December 17, 2020
Waiver templates seem like a good idea because they are cheap, easy, & take little effort. 3 reason's why you shouldn't use waiver templates. Check it out.
Choice of Law Forum Selection Clauses Waivers
By LEAH CORRIGAN December 10, 2020
What is a choice of law and forum selection clause? Learn how including them in your digital waiver can help your business if an accident or incident occurs.
Liability Waivers for Employees
By BENJAMIN ROSS November 16, 2020
OSHA regulations & other employee protection laws prevent them from waiving their right to a safe work environment. Protect your business with Online Waivers
Attorneys Fees Provisions
By ANTHONY J. ELLROD October 21, 2020
Learn why having an attorney's fees provision in your release of liability waiver might be a good fit for you.
Medical Liability Waivers
By STEPHEN PORRITT October 21, 2020
Learn about medical liability waivers and how electronic waivers can help medical facilities protect themselves from potential lawsuits. Sign up Today!
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 7 Why Waiversign
By BRANDON LAKE October 14, 2020
WaiverSign is a digital waiver solution like none other. In this section, we cover how we can help you do what you do better.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 8 Faqs
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 14, 2020
Most tour operators aren’t legal experts, or technology experts. So, to help you out, we answer a bunch of common questions about digital waivers.
Informed Parental Consent Form
By STEPHEN PORRITT October 13, 2020
Sometimes even grownups need permission slips. Whether it’s an informed consent form, a parental consent form, or anything in between, we can help.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 6 Working With Atta
By BRANDON LAKE October 12, 2020
In an effort to better serve ATTA members and provide them the tools they need, WaiverSign and ATTA have joined forces to provide digital waiver services.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 5 Going Digital
By BRANDON LAKE October 9, 2020
You know the importance of having a waiver, but are there any benefits to making that waiver digital? Yes, yes there are. Here are a few of them.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 4 the Covid Factor
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 8, 2020
Do I need a waiver for COVID-19? Do I need to update my current waiver? How should I notify current customers? Get answers to these questions in this section.
Photo Release Forms a Flash Course
By STEPHEN PORRITT October 7, 2020
Photo release forms, like any legal document, can be pretty complicated. Here, we simplify it for you, and explain how you can do them even better.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 3 Key Components
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 7, 2020
Liability waivers will vary in content from business to business, but there are core clauses that are absolute necessities if you want it to stand up in court
Liability Waiver What to Include
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 7, 2020
Liability waivers & release forms can do a lot to protect a business, but only if they’re written properly. Here, are some tips from a lawyer on how.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 2 How to Write One
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 6, 2020
While it’s always best to consult a lawyer when drafting a waiver, there are still a few guidelines we can offer to help you do it right.
Online Waivers Digital Release Forms Part 1 Why Waivers
By CHUN T. WRIGHT October 5, 2020
Our 8 part series on liability waivers and how to use them most effectively begins with an introduction: what are they, and do you need one?
Personal Trainer Gyms Email
By STEPHEN PORRITT September 14, 2020
For gyms & personal trainers, there is a lot of risk involved in doing business. After doing your best to limit risks, waivers can help limit your liability.
Smartwaiver Vs Waiversign
By STEPHEN PORRITT August 17, 2020
Smartwaiver and WaiverSign are similar solutions with different methodologies, and we’re doing a deep dive into the differences between the two.
Digital Waiver on Ipad
By LEAH CORRIGAN August 11, 2020
Get 5 key tips from an industry expert for effective deployment of a liability waiver.
Lookup Signed Documents
Online waivers allow you to easily search and download all signed waivers. Say goodbye to all those filing cabinets.
Waiversign Flow Landing Page
By GREG ROSENHAN March 11, 2020
Learn how you can improve you online waiver in 3 easy steps.
Electronic Signature on Ipad With Keyboard
By KATE TUCKER January 15, 2020
Paper waivers can get lost. Protect yourself with digital waivers from WaiverSign.
Espn Wide World of Sports
By KATE TUCKER January 13, 2020
Digital Waivers make it simple. Improve your process now with WaiverSign.
Fudge Brownies
By KATE TUCKER December 2, 2019
WaiverSign can help you streamline your business processes, organization, efficiency and in the long run
Electronic Signature on White Ipad
By CHIP BROYLES September 6, 2018
Learn the advantages of using electronic waivers over paper. Save time, reduce errors, and improve the customer experience. Read more on WaiverSign's blog.
Online Waiver Kiosk and Phone
By CHIP BROYLES September 5, 2018
With WaiverSign, the data, along with the signatures you collect, is 100 yours to own and manage how you see fit.