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The next available representative will respond to you as soon as possible. We are fully staffed Monday through Friday from 9AM to 6PM Mountain Time, with after-hours support on nights and weekends.

To decrease support wait times, please avoid contacting us through multiple channels regarding the reason you've contacted our team today. All requests (email, voicemail, web-form, or in-app chat) are processed through a single queue and are prioritized in the order they are received, with message urgency taken into consideration.

Why Businesses Trust WaiverSign

Stumpy's customers signing digital waivers
a Pair of black quotation marks

Working with WaiverSign has been a great experience. The staff is very responsive, pulls off last minute set ups and solves problems quickly. Having it on our website allows large groups to complete the waiver prior to arriving, thus speeding their entry into our locations.

Stuart Josberger, Managing Partner

Stumpy's Hatchet House