Jeremy Jensen

Jeremy Jensen

Best Waiver Software for a Small Training Gym

WaiverSign offers tremendous perks and convenient waiver options to all sorts of businesses and organizations around the country. Both major operations and small businesses can enjoy gym liability waiver forms and tracking information right at their fingertips, including on mobile devices. See how this technology and our unique offerings can help you succeed with your operation when you take a look at the benefits we brought to BRelentless Training and Sports Performance, a small training gym in Morton, Illinois.

  1. Background
  2. Problem
  3. Solution
  4. Results
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Background: A Small Training Gym Making A Big Difference

BRelentless is a small training gym that works with athletes of all ages from middle schoolers to professional adults. They assist student-athletes, local teams, and adults who are trying to get on track with their fitness. This operation is unique because the participants in these classes or training programs sign up online. Whether it is a team coming in or a large group ready to take a class, they all have to be prepared to sign a liability waiver form before entering the gym.

Learn more about Gym Liability Waivers >>

“WaiverSign makes it easy to get everyone's liability forms without creating extra hassle or confusion”

Problem: Paper Waivers And Too Many Hats For A Small Gym Owner

With so many people coming in and out on a regular basis, it can be difficult to track everyone down and make sure they sign a paper waiver that ends up being several pages long. Full teams can have 20-30 athletes, and even though each of them may have signed up online, each one would still have to fill out a lengthy paper waiver when they arrived at the gym.

Convenience is one of the biggest perks that WaiverSign offers. The owner and head administrator for this small training gym wears a lot of hats. Responsible for bookkeeping, assisting, social media marketing, human resources, and so much more, it’s often hard to keep up. Because of this busy schedule and its demanding needs, there is no time to time to track down every single waiver to make sure things don't fall through the cracks.

Read some common questions asked by gym owners >>

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Solution: WaiverSign Simplifies Waivers And All Onboarding Documents

WaiverSign was able to convert the paper process that BRelentless was using to a digital format and provide a simple link that all their new clients could sign with a few clicks. They had both a "Training Registration Form" as well as a "Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Form." They can now use WaiverSign to provide a single link to new clients. Their clients receive the link and fill in all the requested information including their goals, health history, injuries, and exercise history. Once they have filled in their information, WaiverSign then directs them to sign the registration form and then the waiver. If any minors are participating in the training, parents or guardians can easily sign for them as well.

Read some common questions asked by gym owners >>

Results: A Big Win For A Small Business

WaiverSign has made it so much easier to get everyone's liability waivers without creating extra hassle or confusion. Clients absolutely love the ease and convenience. With WaiverSign's convenient online options and tracking capabilities, teams can now get everyone signed up before they even enter the facility. Gym staff can see who has already filled out their information rather than rifling through packets of paper just to find a name. This also makes pop-up events way easier. Rather than lugging stacks of paper around and asking people to read long paragraphs of information in a packet, they can fill out these waivers right on their mobile device.

As a strength training and performance gym, BRelentless takes its job seriously to keep every one of its athletes and trainees safe. Having the right waivers in order helps save the company from liability and lightens concerns. They know everyone is protected and kept safe from a legal standpoint as the trainers work to ensure everyone is exercising safely. With the convenient ability to download waivers at any time, it's easy to ensure that no participant has missed signing one.

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Ready To Upgrade Your Waiver And On-Boarding Process For Your Gym?

Not only does WaiverSign save the team at BRelentless from worrying, but it also saves time and money. Rather than spending hours going through waivers or money on printing, all these liability forms are kept in a digital location that's completely secure. WaiverSign helps you stay organized automatically and saves you the headache of working through tedious tasks on the administration side. Start saving your time, energy, and money when you sign up for WaiverSign, so you can focus on the core aspects that are really important to your business.

Learn more about Gym Liability Waivers >>

A laptop , tablet , and cell phone are sitting next to each other.

See If WaiverSign Works For You

Don't wait to make the next step in streamlining your business.


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